Beyond Wills: Unusual Cases Where You Need a Probate Attorney

Most people don't think about probate until a loved one passes away, but there are times when you may need a probate attorney for more than just writing a will. A probate attorney specializes in the legal process of administering a person's estate after death. Probate can involve complex legal issues, and an attorney can help you navigate these issues successfully. This post explores some of the uncommon scenarios where you may need the expertise of a probate attorney. Read More 

What Is The Standard For Proving Accident Injuries?

Every legal proceeding in the U.S. has a standard of proof. In cases involving personal injuries and accidents, the standard is the one from the civil court system. That standard demands that the preponderance of the evidence shows that the claimant's explanation of what happened is likely to be the correct one. What does it mean for the preponderance of the evidence to show that a defendant in a civil case was negligent, reckless, or malicious? Read More 

Bankruptcy And Wedding Planning — How To Keep Effects Positive On Both Sides

For anyone struggling with debt, the idea of getting married is both exciting and daunting. Bankruptcy can help relieve you or your partner of debt anxiety and harassment. But will it impact your wedding? These two life events may have an effect on one another. How? Here are a few things to know about an open bankruptcy case and your wedding.  1. Wedding Costs Can Be a Problem With the average wedding costing $30,000 in 2022, it's easy to see why wedding expenses could create a challenge for your bankruptcy. Read More 

Facing Domestic Violence Charges? 3 Reasons Legal Representation Is Vital

Domestic violence is extremely horrible, and it attracts hefty legal charges. So you may have a rough time if your spouse alleges you have battered or abused them in any way. Sadly, it's more painful and devastating when you are falsely accused of such charges. Not everyone accused of domestic violence is necessarily a culprit or guilty of it. However, it would help if you took proper measures to avoid the harsh consequences associated with these charges. Read More 

3 Ways A Lawyer Can Defend You When Accused With A DUI

Were you given a DUI that you feel is unfair and you're not sure what to do about it? You may want to hire a lawyer that can help defend you in court so that you can be found not guilty. Here are some defenses that a lawyer might use to help clear your name. Your Arrest Wasn't Justified You may not be aware that it is against the law for a police officer to pull someone over without probable cause. Read More