Steps In The Social Security Disability Application Process

When you apply for Social Security disability, there is a process that you must follow. The process can feel long and difficult at times, especially because you are waiting on an important decision.

Are you trying to move forward with your own application for Social Security disability? These are the steps you can expect to do as you move forward with your claim.

File Your Social Security Disability Application

Your initial application will require you to provide some basic information about your situation. You will discuss your claim and provide the necessary information to help prove your case. This application can be completed at home.

Keep in mind that it can take several months to hear anything back after you file your application. There is a chance that your claim will be denied, which means that you may need to talk to an attorney about the process. If your application is approved, the process ends here for you.

You May Attend a Hearing

In the case that your application is denied, you may need to attend a hearing. The judge will hear your case and discuss your application. You may provide evidence that supports your claim, including medical records. Your attorney will be a major help here.

Keep in mind that it can take quite a long time to get to your hearing. In fact, some people will be waiting for over a year to get to their hearing, which can be demotivating. Your attorney will help you stay on top of your case.

Your Case May Go to Appeal

If the judge does not approve your case, then you may need to send your case to an appeals council. This is the group of people who will make the final decision about your case. You may still appeal your case if the council does not approve it, but this can still be a long process.

If you need to take your case to the council or continue with the appeals process, you definitely do not want to do it without your Social Security attorney. They are familiar with the process and will help you through any challenges.

Contact a Social Security Attorney

Your Social Security attorney will help you determine the next step in the process. If your application was denied, you should have an attorney available. You want to have somebody on your side to represent you no matter what happens.

For more information, contact a local Social Security attorney
